Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Sunday Morning Classic

Who doesn't love a great Sunday morning breakfast? Generally you get to eat them around noon. You're not in a hurry because you don't really have anywhere you need to be, (except maybe the gym.) And the best part... you get to eat it in your pajamas!

So this morning I decided to make French Toast. While I was growing up in Pasadena, California, French Toast was an absolute regular affair at our house on the weekends. My mom began making it when I was barely in pre-school. I remember very clearly how she would mix the eggs and milk and cinnamon and then she would pour in the vanilla which would create this sort of chemical reaction as it hit the custard. It would bubble and the color of the vanilla would dance around our bowl. We called it "Vanilla Magic!"

Not only is French Toast delicious, but it holds a ton of nostalgia for me, so I love it. So this morning as Chris and I are trying to drag our lazy butts up an' Adam, I suggested I'd make breakfast and he was into that idea. Gotta love a supportive man who is always excited when you're planning to feed him! :) He's actually out buying eggs and cinnamon right this moment! Meanwhile, Wikky our dog is sitting in the windowsill patiently awaiting his "Daddy's" return.

I love cooking meals that sort of utilize ingredients that I need to "use up" or that are taking up space in the pantry. This morning while gathering ingredients for our breakfast, I noticed we still had a can of pumpkin puree (which is good for years) from the holidays, so I decided we'd make Pumpkin French Toast. Thank goodness we both love pumpkin!

So here is how you make Pumpkin French Toast.

3 large eggs
1 c. milk
1 1/2 c. pumpkin puree
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1tbsp honey
6 slices bread

In a large bowl whisk together pumpkin puree, milk and eggs until a smooth custard. The custard should be thin enough that you can dip the bread it it, but thick enough to coat a spoon. The add the cinnamon, honey and vanilla. Whisk again until all ingredients are fully integrated. Then put a small palette of butter in a warm pan or skillet and then dip a slice of bread in the custard until fully coated on both sides. Shake off an excess custard and then place the bread into the buttery pan.  Heat should be Medium/Medium High. Cook for about a minute on each side, depending on how soft you like your toast. The custard should turn opaque and there should be a light crust around the edges of the bread.

Chris went nuts over this breakfast. He took his first bite and then gave me a full mouthed- thumbs up! I have to say I thought it was pretty good myself! Happy Sunday Everyone!

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